Chocolate Chilli

“Chemically speaking, chocolate really is the perfect food” – nutrition researcher


Can I do a chocolate chilli? That would be exciting. If Charles can add coffee in his chilli, why can’t I add chocolate? I am assuming I can’t. Well I am really minded to! Who cares about the competition when I can muck about with chocolate! Should I go for 80% or 100% dark? Surely that’s not chocolate, that’s cacao. Is there a ceiling I shouldn’t exceed – I mean calorifically and in the interests of my purse? 🙂


In a market in Brazil


The flower that then develops into the pod! Chocolate is alien!


Coconut and cocoa trees in a farm in South India

Isn’t it a bit weird that inventiveness is not on the list of judging criteria for this competition? Seems a wasted opportunity!

The crucial thing is ‘other ingredients’. ‘The UKCCA deems that “Chilli” is defined as any kind of combination of vegetables, cooked with chilli, spices and other ingredients’. Ah… the dilemmas of interpretation!

Forget interpretation; back to chocolate – Arthur Tuytel…..Fassbender & Rausch

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So, can I really make a Chilli with chocolate in it? Search….

Aztecs? Well, of course!

Oh, here they come – the recipes come in droves! Forget what I said about innovation earlier!

Here is my pick of interesting looking Chilli-with-chocolate recipes

This walnut – chocolate Chilli sounds good. And here is one mouthful of a Chilli – Quick-Fix Vegan’s Smoky Chipotle-chocolate Chili! And this next one, what more could I want? – Cook-off winning veggie chili using chocolate chips!

And a couple more

Ditch them all, why do I need a recipe? Here’s ‘How to make vegetarian Chili without a reicpe‘! This is the only way I am going to get in more than the naam-ke-vaste 2 teaspoons of chocolate! Imagine the fun watching a chunk of chocolate sizzling in oil, mustard seeds, chillies, chana dhal and curry leaves!! Then somehow, at the end of the line, a reddish brown sauce simmering, with chunks of chocolate bobbing up and down, with a chocolatey-chilli fragrance pervading the space! 🙂


Chocolate from the top!


Chocolate below!

I have heard of deep fried mars bars and always been nonchalant about it, but to muck about deep frying a mars bar is a different matter altogether! Should look up how they do DFMB! I should also choose my chocolate carefully – it would make all the difference!



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